Thursday, November 9, 2017

Amnesia and Creepy Science Lab Dream

From October 10th, 2017:

I just had a dream in which I can remember nothing of who I am, and I'm in some kind of facility, kind of like a science lab mixed with hospital mixed with mental patient experiment ward... Kinda creepy. I have no clothes, but I don't find my trans body at all out of the ordinary, and I make no effort to hide it. Somehow I get out of my room and I'm exploring through the facility. It's surprisingly warm, so I'm not shivering. Cameras on the ceiling follow me as I wander around trying to figure out what this place is and who I am, because I don't even know my own name.

Eventually I run into a room that actually has people in it. But they don't rush me or freak out that I'm loose. Instead they just keep an eye on me, letting me look through the room a bit. Someone must have slipped me something somehow or something, because I began to feel pretty loopy at some point in this room. I found a section with a bunch of hanging clothes, hanging from a rack attached to the ceiling. I gravitated toward a particular group of feminine clothes, saying someone had good taste, and I liked them. The person observing me indicated they were mine, but did not speak. I replied "Well that makes so much sense. So I can put them on?" They nodded yes and let me clothe myself, seemingly fascinated by my every movement. It really felt like they understood what I was saying, they were just silent.

I start asking questions like what my name is and how I got there, but everyone is just looking at me strange. I ask what the place is, with no reply. The only communication I get is from facial expressions and body gestures, and even those were few. I start to really feel faint and weird, and I start (almost drunkenly) genuinely complimenting the skin and hourglass figure of another patient in the room. She smiled, but no words or other body movements as she lay on the odd hospital table thing. I asked if any of the other patients knew who I was, but they just smiled at me. As I'm stumbling a little over myself and grabbing a wall for support, one of the ward people takes me by the arm to help me walk. They start leading me somewhere outside the room. I black out with my arm around a ward's shoulder, not knowing where I'm being taken.

And then I woke up in my bed in "real life", feeling very disoriented, with the clothes I put on in the dream on the floor by my bed. I suddenly remember my name. That would be more weird if I weren't wearing those yesterday, but thank god. I suddenly remember where I am and who I am. Memories flooded back to me, but I still felt kind of loopy...

Dreams are fascinating... It really makes me wonder sometimes if I'm actually taken someplace else while I sleep. Maybe my mind found itself in another plane of existence for a while, and the people there were studying me...?

... I need to go to work now... What a great start to the day -_-

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