Friday, March 24, 2017

Political Party Thoughts

If a political party starts to vote on and propose bills for the sake of preserving their party, rather than the sake of bettering the country, I believe that political party should be disbanded.

Politics is about the governance of countries. The very concept of its creation was for the sake of organization and cooperation, because when we work together, humanity can accomplish great things.

When people in a group begin to make decisions for the purpose of making themselves look good, it spreads like a sickness and disrupts the entire group. In nature, with animals, these selfish creatures would be killed and eaten to sustain the rest of the group. In humanity, that would be considered a barbaric moral travesty, and lo, through our capitalist system, the selfish are instead given many opportunities to step on others so they may rise to positions of power.

If someone is part of a group that decides the fates of millions of people, they have a responsibility to the well-being of those people. It becomes their duty to act selflessly and objectively for the good of the people, not for themselves.

I believe that both the democratic and republican parties must be eliminated to make way for new political parties to form. Based on policy and public opinion, these new parties would finally be rid of the naming bias, and it would no longer be about voting against somebody because of what party they belong to. Instead, maybe, just maybe, it could be about voting for somebody because of their plans for our futures.

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