Monday, January 23, 2012

Adam Phillips and John Berry

As an animation enthusiast, I have played with Flash for many years. In doing so, I have also stumbled upon many others how have also played with Flash for many years. Funny how that works out...

I discovered John Berry and his Evil Josh and Billy series during my time on Deviant Art, and ever since I have stalked him and his animation and comedy goodness. If you haven't yet heard of this man, you should watch every episode of Evil Josh & Billy. John Berry is also working with this other guy on an animated short called Weird Eddy: Luck of the Oafish, which I hope they finish someday and it ends up on Cartoon Network.

Here's the storyboard video for Weird Eddy, and you should also check out John's Demo Reel and DeviantArt page.

On a less comedic and cartoony note, there's Adam Phillips. His animation work is breathtakingly amazing, and if you have never seen the Brackenwood series, then you have no idea what you're missing. I admittedly haven't checked up on Adam's website in some time, but he teaches a BiteyCastle 2D FX Animation course, and he has been working to get a Brackenwood video game in development. His animation and art skills with Flash are stunning, and the creative stories that he writes behind all the animations are equally stunning.

Adam's website/blog is, and a good first episode of the Brackenwood animation for you to see is Littlefoot.

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